Saturday, March 7, 2015

one week on. ..

So,  it's been a week now. All my paranoia was for naught. If there are people that are offended by my new status, they are keeping it to themselves. The dreaded bathroom has not been an issue, mainly because it seems that I'm going when no one else is. Now I realize that it's not really a test if I'm the only one in the bathroom,but on the other hand I am using the bathroom that corresponds to my gender expression. I  am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I feel that it has almost been too smooth a tradition. I'm not trying to jinx myself, but I expected something and so far is been anticlimactic.

The counterpoint to that is that the company I work for its very supportive of LGBT persons. In any case, I'm thrilled with how is gone.  I really have to thank all the people in my life that have supported me and continue to support me on this journey.  I love you all!

Hugs. ...


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The final obstacle

My first inkling that I was different was around the age of five or six. There had been several other incidents throughout the years but I spent the years fighting against it. It took me until my fifties to come to grips with being transgender. I have finally reached the point in my life where I am confident enough to be me.

That pivotal part of my journey has begun. This past Sunday I came out at work. Work was that final hurdle I had to overcome and I did it. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, I'm still scared, but I overcome the fear every day and every day it gets better and easier. All in all my experience at work has been great. I have great co-workers and an awesome supervisor and the company I work for fosters an environment of acceptance.

I'm  happy, thrilled, excited.

Hugs and kisses
