Saturday, July 9, 2016

Another take on inclusion

     Inclusion, when we're talking about the LGBTQI community, refers to the inclusion in society as a whole. That’s not the inclusion I want to talk about today. Trans men and women often find ourselves alone and isolated simply because we are Trans. We may be shunned by friends and family; we may even lose our livelihood and homes. All in all, not a happy situation.
What I want to talk about is the regular day to day inclusion that can make all the difference in the world.  When we presented fully as our perceived genders, we were invited to parties and gatherings, well, most of the time. We were included in the lives of those around us. When we come out as trans that all stops to varying degrees. People are uncomfortable inviting us to their parties because we are so different. Now, here comes a further complication, what gatherings do we fit in to? Do you invite a Trans woman to a bridal or baby shower? Or a Trans man to go on a hunting or camping trip? Where do we belong?
       I know where I like to think where I belong, all of the above. I promise I won’t look dress like a drag performer for your party or event. I promise I won’t shy away from baiting a hook. And just another point when you think about that friend or family member that just came out as Trans, the person that you knew is still there, the personality that made you click with that person, to begin with, it still there, if anything more so because we are finally able to live the lives we always should have had; it’s just the outside that’s changing.
      So the next time you make out that list of people you want to include, don’t forget us.

Hugs and Kisses
