Thursday, May 5, 2016

Are we going backwards?

I’m angry, and sad, and scared, and baffled. I you want to know why, just look at the news. Transgender people are being vilified. We are being told that our right to take care of a basic human need endangers others. That we are violating a basic right to privacy. Really? How is me going to the bathroom going to do any of that? I am not a threat; neither are other trans people. For the most part I am so scared to go to the bathroom that I go in, do my business, wash my hands and get out. I try not to make eye contact. I try to be as inconspicuous as possible. Endangering others? How so? So far the only non-trans men that are using the trans inclusive policies are those associated with that hate group the American Family Association, they are sending men to test the inclusive policy at Target stores. When you look at the news, the people that are in danger are the trans people of this country. Have you seen the video of the woman attacking the trans person on the subway while a train full of people did NOTHING?????

The reason that the suicide rate for trans people is so high is because was feel that we are alone in the fight and sometime it just gets too hard. The despair is too great. There is no one there to help us through it. I’m very lucky, I live in a state where there are protections in place, I work for a company that supports me, and I have a wife that loves me.
We are not the problem. When you look at the statistics, violence and abuse is most likely to come from a family member for from a person in a position of responsibility. It’s the coach, the uncle, the step-father, the teacher. I’m by no means lumping the good with the bad any more than I want to be associated with molesters and pedophiles.

For the first time since I came out at trans, I’m actually worried about my personal safety. I get more unfriendly looks than before. Think about it.


  1. You are a man. I do not want a man in my restroom.

    1. I'm not a man, I've never been a man, and I never will be a man. I was forced to pretend to be something I never was my entire life in order to fit in. I now choose to no longer hide from my truth.
