Wednesday, July 24, 2013

And when did you.... ?

Good morning world, yes it is morning here in Colorado, way too early morning. I found that I couldn't sleep any more, my mind was all too active. How did I end up like this, why am I trans? The truth is I don't know, it certainly wasn't a choice. I mean, who would choose this? It affects everyone in your life, and by no means is it a positive thing. I sets you up for ridicule and discrimination. A lot of people won't understand and when we don't understand something, we tend to marginalize it.

I was watching a student video on Youtube the other day, the interviewer was asking people on the street some simple questions, first "Is being gay a choice?" and of course there are a wide range of answers, the ones that the interviewer was interested in were the ones where the person answered "yes". Now we know that sexual orientation is not a choice (at least I hope we do), the follow-up question for these people then became, "And when did you choose to be straight?". 

The responses were amazing, in some you could almost hear the click when they come to the realization that it's not a choice. So let me ask you, when did you choose your gender :)

Hugs and Kisses



  1. My gender hit me like a feather pillow around the age 11, then
    like a 2×4 around age 18, THEN
    like a fully loaded C-130 at age 45.

  2. The fully loaded C-130 hit me at 50 :)
