Sunday, August 18, 2013

A goodbye...

Today's post is not about dressing, to day I want to talk about something off topic, but I need to share it in any case... Fifteen years ago, my spouse and I took into our family a new addition. She was all cute and fuzzy and wiggly, and we decided to call her Belle. We had to go back twice, but she was the one. The place was Pets on Parade, it was located at a now defunct pet food store here in town, the event occurred once a month and allowed people to bring their animals to a location for sale. I don't remember what we paid for her, my spouse has a better head for numbers and such, but I can tell you that she was worth every penny. She filled our lives with love and joy and play. Belle was a Blue Merl Australian Shepard and we love her.

The reason I bring this up is that we had to let her go yesterday, she was no longer able to support her own weight, eating had become a challenge, and she was deaf. It pained us to watch her rapid deterioration, but we were hopeful that with medications she would bounce back, she didn't. It became our chore to decide for her that it was time, it became our expression of the love we felt for her to be with her as she slipped away from us...

We love you Belle, and we miss you... I hope you are chasing all the squirrels you want and have great big bed to sleep in...

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