Why is the focus on "Same-sex Marriage"? Don't get me wrong, I strongly believe that all of us are entitled the same rights and marriage is among them, but it misses the point. Being treated equally regardless of our gender expression or sexuality is much more important. The focus needs to be on equal rights for all of us regardless of our minority. To my mind, overturning DOMA is much more profound and important.
Let's talk about the bathroom issue. Somehow a transgendered person going to the bathroom is supposedly a sexual event. Now think this through, for most trans people the simple act of going to the bathroom is an exercise in courage. The last thing we want to do is stand out. Assuming that it has anything more to do than voiding our respective bladders is preposterous. If it were true then the same would have to apply the gays and lesbians; but that's not the case for them any more than it is for us. (I'm sure that some of you will take offense at the thought)
Did you know the for most of the country, I could be fired or evicted from my home just for being transgender... Think about that.