Sunday, December 7, 2014


Websters defines Being as:  1) a living thing 2) the state of existing 3) the most important or basic part of a person's mind or self. 

It is a very simple word with profound implications. As gender non-conforming individuals, we have a myriad of terms that we use to describe ourselves and how we present. The term I tended to use most was "Dressing" and all it's variations. The problem with the term dressing, or even "En Fem", is that it implies a transitory state, as though it was a phase or something done for a specific period. Transgenderism is not transitory, it is not something we do, it is who we are. I know we all approach it differently, but in all cases it is something we cannot deny.

I had been struggling with a way to see myself in my own mind as well as how to describe myself to others. That brings us to this morning, my wife and I were sitting in bed watching "Sunday Morning" with our kids (two dogs and two cats) spread out before us, sleeping, when I sighed one too many times and my wife ask me what I was sighing about. I explained my dilemma to her and her response blew me away. the word she used was Being. That is indeed what I am, I am being me, with all my flaws and quirks. I am not pretending to be someone I am not. I am being...

Thank you love!



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