Wednesday, December 24, 2014

An un-merry christmas

This Christmas has me reflecting  on the past year. I know that it's not the New Year yet which is when we normally do these reflections but recent events have given me the need to do so early... The past week has been very difficult for me and my family, on the 18th we had to let our ten year old boxer go, she had a heart condition and was given a 5% chance to survive and we decided it was best to let her go. On the 19th I lost my father to complications from pneumonia, he was 80 years old at the time. All this occurred within a week of Christmas. It is time to recall the great things from the last year.

In the past year I have started HRT. This is one of the defining moment in my life, and marking the point where I start down the path to my true self.

I came out to the most important people in my life, my family. This was the scariest thing I had ever done. They were supportive and accepting and their reactions made me love them all the more..

I'm employed at a company hat is supportive of their trans employees giving me the strength to come out at work. I have talked to HR and will be going full time early next year...

I have a lot to look forward to... I am giving myself the permission to grieve, to give in to the pain of loss. I will not wallow in it, Iwill not let it cripple me, I will continue to live and love and leave myself open to be loved...

Merry Christmas all...


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